If your first choice college offers everything you want but the price tag is making you waiver, don’t give up hope; consider appealing the award. While colleges and universities won’t encourage it, the financial aid officers are empowered to make …
Do you enjoy analyzing behavior through a mathematical lens? Do you invest your birthday money in stocks? If so, a major in economics might be a match for you. A major in economics educates a student about how resource allocation, …
Families often experience sticker shock when contemplating the cost of college, but it’s the net price, rather than the sticker price, that prospective students need to consider. Each college publishes the COA or Cost of Attendance at that institution. The COA …
Scholarships provide gift money that does not have to be repaid. That makes scholarships an attractive way to help pay for college. Most scholarships are awarded directly by the college you attend, but there are also other sources of scholarship …
College is full of hidden costs: that extra pizza, a special concert, the newest tech toy, a college sweatshirt or a much-needed trip home or to visit friends. Ready access to credit cards makes it easy for a student to …