When visiting a college, the main aim is to find the right fit. This means finding a school with all the features students are looking for. One of the most critical factors in the decision should be how well the …
We’ve long felt that the campus visit was the best way to learn about the colleges you are considering. By visiting, prospective applicants were able to judge college fit and could picture themselves living on campus and participating in the …
For many families, the college tour is a rite of passage. These visits are often determined by an applicant’s school schedule, parent availability, financial resources, and family commitments. Colleges offer a wide variety of visit options – Open Houses, Diversity …
Is it worth visiting colleges over the summer when school is not in regular session? We believe that any visit is better than no visit at all. If schedules don’t allow a campus visit during the spring of junior year …
According to research conducted by the National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC), almost 78% of college admission officers say that an applicant’s “demonstrated interest” is considered when evaluating applications. As students apply to more colleges, admission officers find it …